Srsly I am freaking out.Why Iam dont give out is this,the main reason is, you can make movies costum ur models better than the Illusion Games ever can be.With Costume voices you have many diffrent types of voices,too.Made by Oyster and MG community.But Iam still a Noob in the whole world of TK17/R9X. but i cant bring the running only shoes,n dresses but not the fancy ones. I select the Hook5 models start the coustume, and the whole body wasnt there only the hair shows up.I try a diffrent model ,still the same.ok so easy I dont give up Download R9X try the same and guess what? Right the same.I must confess I like R9X more then 7.5 nicer clothes and hairs ,eyes etc. Put the 4k enabler mod in rename the body.txx like the guide tolds me on MG.And when I think i was ready to go.I start the game and on upper left screen was the basic sign for H5 and the reshader shows up,too. I use Hook5 with Reshade,I have tried on 7.5 n I make it like the guide told me( go to paetron HP,n download all files he had postet)put it in binary folder,run the 4 gb patch and the reshader.